Saturday, January 1, 2011

So yeah, I'm running a marathon...

A full marathon. 
26.2 miles.
Plus almost 600 miles of training. 

That's me, on my feet, chugging along from Nashville, TN to Washington D.C. Oh yeah, I'm running a half marathon, too. Add about 300 miles of running. Almost 900 miles... Of running.

I guess I should probably mention this... I hate running. Well, I did. Savanna as of August 2010 hated running. She would run if someone with an axe was chasing her. But this is Savanna as of December 2010 and she's training for a marathon. No wait, she's ENJOYING training for a marathon. And the fact that carbs are pretty much a must-have. The Liz Gilbert in me is eating, praying, loving, and running and not planning on leaving a single damn carb behind.

This enjoyment may have to do with the fact that today, despite the cold, I ran two miles, including the most obnoxious hill in my neighborhood. I may or may not have cried a little because I was freezing and no matter how much I ran I was still cold and that stupid hill seemed like it would never end. But I didn't stop. I didn't call my mom to come get me, even though I reallllllly wanted to. Because I have a marathon to run. And it's against the rules for mommies to come save you. And I'm pretty sure my partner-in-crime Sara Ann isn't going to be in any state to drag me along. 

So I keep mentioning a marathon... But which marathon, you ask? The Disney World Marathon. Because the most hellacious, strenuous, and exhausting 26.2 miles of my life should take place in the happiest place on Earth, right? And because the princess in me giggles just thinking about running through Cinderella Castle.

But for now, my treadmill and neighborhood will have to do. Accompanied by copious amounts of Advil and BioFreeze.

1 comment:

  1. you are adorable!!!
    i too, giggle at the thought of running through the castle..:):)
