Monday, January 17, 2011

Dorm Sweet Dorm?

Besides all of the running that I've been doing, I also moved back into my dorm; while it's not a legitimate reason, it's why I haven't updated. PS, Fam: Love you and miss you guys already :)

So, if you glance to the right to that little box entitled "Miling Towards Disney World" you will see that I have run thirty miles since I started training. Thirty. Freaking. Miles. I've run a marathon and some. Now, that's wonderful and I'm not complaining in the slightest, but it's taken me a month to run this far. A MONTH. I only have a few hours to run it for real! It's definitely a scary, scary thought. I keep telling myself that this month was to get me into shape and that it'll get easier, and I hope my body's listening to me. I'm okay with my brain knowing what's coming, I'm just scared that if my legs know then they'll shut down like my little brother did when we tried to make him eat his veggies. The muscles will tense up and tell me that it hurts for them to move and that they realllllly don't want to move anymore and that they'll stay there until I do something to distract (or for those of us familiar with Tracay, discract) them from the misery they're suffering. OH HEY, WAIT A SECOND... They're doing that already!!! They already hurt, and I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for the fact that the muscles in the rest of my body outnumber the muscles in my legs and my willpower outlasts their resistance efforts, they would have already pooped out. But so long as the BioFreeze and Advil hold out, I think I can distract (discract) them long enough for my next run.

In addition to my muscles congregating rather angrily in most of my body, I am the hungriest I have ever been in my entire life. It's ridiculous. I could probably eat more than any of my brothers. I eat breakfast. I run. I eat again. I do yoga. I eat lunch. I sleep. I eat again. I teach Zumba. I eat dinner. I eat again. I eat again again. And honestly, I'm still hungry when I go to sleep. I was still hungry last night, but I was already up in my bed (which is, I'm sorry to say, about five and a half feet off of the ground. My left thigh has evidence that it's NOT fun to fall out of) and I didn't feel like getting down again. I'm trying to eat as healthily and as often as possible, but sometimes I feel like mother nature is trying to fatten me up so that, if I were to collapse on a run, she could use me to feed a family of woodsy type creatures. Which is why I run on the streets and legitimate trails and (ugh) dreadmills, so that those little woodsy bitches can't snatch me up. It ain't gon' HAPPEN!

One of the perks about being in college is that Hendrix has a dietitian (and coaches and marathoners) on campus that will work with Sara Ann and I for free while we're doing this. We're meeting with the dietitian on Thursday to see if there's something I can do about satisfying my hunger in a more productive, efficient way. Also, Hendrix will give us the opportunity to apply to receive funding for our pilgrimage to Disney World next January to run the marathon via the Odyssey Program. Our running is a "special project" and will allow us to dip our toes into the field of sports medicine while also serving as (rather badass, ninja-like) ambassadors for our school at the marathon itself. We'll wear Hendrix garb and basically act as walking billboards while we're down there. I'm completely okay with that. Plus it gives us accountability beyond each other, because on days like this (where it's noon and Sara Ann is still sound, sound asleep) and we need to run, I have Odyssey on my side :)


  1. This post was hilarious! Also, it is awesome that Hendrix offers so much support to you guys. That's really, really great. Finally, the running will get easier, you will be less sore, and you'll figure out how to fuel yourself with food so that you're not quite so hungry all the time. It always seems like it won't happen when you start training, but trust me, it all comes together one way or another :)

  2. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement! It's one thing to think "it has to get better", but it's another to hear it from someone who has been there and done that!

  3. I love your blog! Hilarious!
