Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Hogs may have lost the Sugar Bowl…

But that didn’t stop me from running! Nor did my extended stay in New Orleans, partially due to overconsumption of, among other delicious treats (including the best bread pudding I have ever tasted), Café du Monde’s magnificent, fabulous, should-be-illegal-they-taste-so-good beignets and what would have happened if I had neglected ze running.  (For those of you who don’t have the slightest clue what a beignet is, it’s a square piece of doughy deliciousness that is then fried [doughnut-style] and completely blanketed with powdered sugar. The frying and sugar aren’t exactly part of the running diet, but it’s a form of bread, and bread equals carbs. I promised there would be no carb left behind, and I intend on sticking to that!) That's not even the best part; despite the dessert and fried deliciousnesses, I did not gain a pound!!

Beyond that, I am happy to report that I did run both full days I was there, despite the janky treadmills and, oh yeah, THE FREAKING HUMIDITY. Don’t underestimate its power. Just don’t. It probably didn’t help that the treadmills were in the same room as the pool, either. On the second day, I had the bright idea to run up and down the 20 flights of stairs in the building, because hey, the humidity would be lower, and there was no way in hell that I was running in the streets. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, I just happen to come equipped with a sense of self-preservation. So I walk out of my room, into the stairwell, and promptly turned around and went to the janky treadmill. Yeah that sense of self-preservation I mentioned? It kicked in once I realized that, as a young white female tourist, me being alone in that stairwell was about as smart as me setting up a hammock in the middle of a deserted back alley. So I endured perhaps one of the dullest, most humid treadmill workouts in the history of ever. 

That boing treadmill workout did serve a purpose, though. All of this running in one spot is really making me appreciate the outdoor running-to-get-somewhere running. I really wish my neighborhood had more soft paths, rather than just streets and hard paths... My knees still have about 875 miles to endure, and I need to do everything I can to keep them healthy, so I need to use treadmills and soft paths to help reduce impact. Hard paths and roads are the only thing near me, and the only soft trail I know of is pretty far away. Plus, the whole "driving to a place where I can run" thing kind of befuddles me. I imagine I'll break down eventually and do it (I mean, I do have a Twitter now), but it's gonna take a little more boredom and a little less cold for that one to happen. 

1 comment:

  1. hahaha. you're great for this whole blogging thing. love it!

    my favorite part was "me being alone in that stairwell was about as smart as me setting up a hammock in the middle of a deserted back alley."

    to update you, a few weeks ago i would have much preferred to run inside on the treadmill. this is probably to avoid the embarrassment that i KNOW i would suffer from having all of Germantown see me passed out on the side of my street. not good. so, as i said, i preferred the treadmill. now? last night i tried to go out on a run. my mom and dad wouldn't let me because "it was past ten o'clock and it is dark outside! and it's just NOT smart, Sara Ann! so why don't you just got jump on the treadmill..." HA! Noooooo, no! no thank you! jump on it? okay, i'll jump on it. I'll walk up to it, step on and proceed to stamp my foot on it saying "I'm done with you! I can run outside now! Take that stupid treadmill!" yeah, I'm lame. but that treadmill deserves to stick it!

    i miss you dear! can't wait to be back in c-town wif you!
