Monday, January 10, 2011

Po' Lil' Tink Tink...

So, while Katt Williams is streaming via Netflix, I shall share the wondrous tales of the runs of the past few days.* I really don't have a purpose for that asterisk, but I learned today that that it's pronounced ass-tah-RISK, not ass-tah-RICK. Just thought I should share that little fun fact and blow your mind. 'Cause it totally blew mine.

Anyway, after my Louisiana adventure, I resumed my normal running schedule on Thursday. Being the good little gym bunny that I am, I decided to take the Total Body Conditioning class after I got home. I get my happy ass up at (the horribly early hour of) 11:00 AM, get to the gym, and wait for 20 minutes only to be rather cheerfully informed that the TBC class had been taken outside so that- wait for it- they could run. WHAT THE HELL? I figured that I should go ahead and work out since I was already there... Cue the dreadfully somber music that should naturally fill your head when you even think the words "treadmill workout". I hereby move to rename the treadmill "Dreadmill", because that's the only feeling those damn things evoke. Dread. For the immense boredom that's about to happen. I also lifted some weights, and after all my Zumba With Weights (NOT Toning!!), my arms are looking pretty freaking fantastic. The best part, though, was that the vast majority of people at the gym were resolutioners, so my measly mile and a half dreadmill workout looked like Jeff Galloway himself had traipsed into the Little Rock Athletic Club.

Speaking of New Years Resolutions, I would like to clarify now that this marathon isn't just a resolution. This is a decision that I made in November to fulfill a dream that I've had for quite a while. Yes, this blog  was started on January 1st, but that was just a coincidence, I promise!! The main purpose of this little piece of fabulousity is to chronicle my journey from shitshow to marathon.  Not that I have a problem with resolutioners; work it out, babe! However, please know that I don't expect to see 95% of you next to me in Yoga class in March. It's not about resolutions, it's about a lifestyle change. It sucks. I know it does. But then something happens, and you go running over the Big Dam Bridge and you don't only run over it, you run back. You run two miles and you realize that, hey, this is pretty damn cool.

So yeah, I ran over the Big Dam Bridge. And then turned around and ran back. I felt pretty freaking accomplished, if I do say so myself. Especially considering that there's a 5% incline going up both sides. It doesn't seem like much, but hop on a dreadmill at 5% incline and pop that sucker at about 5.5 MPH. You know what's gonna happen? Your gluteus to the maximus is gonna need BioFreeze. Mine did. A lot. But hey, I'm training for a marathon, and a little soreness isn't gonna stop me!

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