Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We Do It Hamster Style!!!

Sara Ann and I hopped up on the dreadmills and ran two miles, hamster style, tonight. Yeah that Snowmageddon v2.0 I mentioned? We're now bracing for Snowmageddon v3.0: Bigger, Badder, Awesomer. Whoo.

But, I ran 5 kilometers on Saturday. 5k. That's 3.1 miles. Yeah, I kick ass. No big deal.

We run our first official 5k on Saturday. I'm scared. I really don't wanna finish last. I'm kind of a slow runner, and I'm okay with that, but I really, really, really don't want to be last. Here's how my prayers are gonna go between now and then:

"Dear God, I know there are a lot more important things going on in the world, and people who need your prayers more than I do, but if you can maybe put an angel intern on the case, I would really appreciate it if I could finish before at least one other person on Saturday. Love, Savanna."

PS: I've run over 50 miles in the past two months. That's 50 more miles than I've run... ever. 


  1. Good luck on your 5K! I'm not a runner, don't enjoy running, and have never enjoyed running. However, I want to like it. Remember that the place you come in doesn't define you:) Have fun and enjoy the process, and you'll do better then if you're too worried!

  2. Good luck on the 5K! You'll do awesome! I'm a super slow runner myself...you won't be last trust me! You'll also be faster than you expect to be, gotta love that adrenaline :D

  3. Thank you guys for the words of encouragement!!!!
